Close Off the Elements

Summer sets the scene for a lot of fun outdoor activities but whatever the weather, keeping yourself and your guests comfortable takes top priority. Louvretec Outdoor Blinds make the perfect addition to any alfresco occasion and will help keep your outdoor area shaded against elements such as wind, rain, and sun. Select from PVC Outdoor blinds that can be motorised or hand operable or our series of Mesh Shade Blinds - perfect for sun control. Mesh Shade blinds are available in a range of colours and 'openness' (opens refers to the size of the little squares that make up the Mesh material).

Outdoor Blinds Year Long

Wind Protection

Everybody loves a nice and gentle breeze but if the wind gust is knocking your guests' hats off and reaching for their coats, then you're in need of a far better solution. Louvretec's range of Mesh Shade Blinds and PVC Outdoor blinds are a great way to close in the sides of your patio, deck or outdoor room.

louvretec opening mesh blinds

Rain Coverage

Summer down under isn't always sunshine and warm weather. Keep comfortable and your outdoor furniture from getting soaked with Louvretec Outdoor Blinds. Made out of resilient PVC, Louvretec blinds are available in a range of different PVC tints, and are made to withstand the elements for several years to come.

Sun Safety

A sunshine day always lifts the spirit but all of us know how damaging it can be when you're subjected to too much sun. Fortunately, our Mesh outdoor blinds can block approximately 95% of harmful UV rays and even protect your furniture from fading away.

Outdoor blinds are an extremely versatile and stylish way to protect you and your guests from the summer sun and whatever else the season throws at you. The heavy-duty outdoor blinds let you choose the specific amount of coverage you want and ensure that nothing puts an early end to your gathering.

Visit Louvretec and browse our Outdoor Blinds or contact us now to get one installed in your home.